Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Synthesis- July 17

- My E-Prime Day-
The weather appeared to me to be hot or not. In memory, I think it appeared hot to me. It seemed fine to wear a color that appeared to be white to me to deflect the heat waves, as the heat waves appeared to me to behave and feel constrained or not. My husband appeared to agree that it appeared hot to him as well, and he selected to drink a watermelon drink that tasted to him to be sweet and had mint. The mint seemed to me to be a reasonable idea as I recalled being taught in Chinese herbs that it has what appears a cooling state in the body or not. I think this is how my day was recalled or not.

-Synthesizing physics- as above so below?
Very much agree with this- we were taught by our elders that we originated from the stars and were linked to life on earth and every micro/macrocosm is connected. Creator made the heavens and the Earth, the Star people came and taught us certain technologies, math, engineering, to understand self which is an illusion to begin with we are one cell, to understand this one has to look above and know that its you looking at yourself back. Smile and sing knowing that your dendritic patterns of your veins and nerve cells mirror the rivers and trees-  and are rooted to the cosmos where we return home.

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