Tuesday, July 30, 2019

BIOPHYSICS= Life and Living systems

I know I'm a " living system," because- I have over 70 trillion cells ( by weight) 37.2 trillion cells-with a basic unit of matter, defined by molecules ( and electrical potential charges) with specific function and ATP production. Keeps this organism alive in relation to its biofeedback mechanisms with the environment. Having the capacity to self organize, able to  have the capacity for molecular growth and change, reproduction, and homeostasis. On another note, I am a living system in human form with the capacity of self reflection knowing that I encompass both matter and antimatter aspects to DNA and blood type formation. As a O- blood constitution I can only receive negative blood type to maintain cellular function. Lastly- I know I am a living system because this brain has the capacity for insight.

-Biophysics and TCM- I find it interesting that the existence of radiant tracks that correspond with channels, it has wave length/band, and its bio-photons are emitted from acupuncture points- each having a wave length - the collagen fibers consist of tropocollagen molecules in a helical structure- which acts as a conduit for electro-dynamic activity. They may be emitting spontaneous emission of entangled photons. And one must wonder how the mind engaged into this healing art?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't research into the radiant tracks that correspond with the meridians, that is pretty cool to know. Qi is such a huge part of TCM and the bio-photons are definitely proof of qi without a form.
