Tuesday, July 30, 2019

BIOPHYSICS= Life and Living systems

I know I'm a " living system," because- I have over 70 trillion cells ( by weight) 37.2 trillion cells-with a basic unit of matter, defined by molecules ( and electrical potential charges) with specific function and ATP production. Keeps this organism alive in relation to its biofeedback mechanisms with the environment. Having the capacity to self organize, able to  have the capacity for molecular growth and change, reproduction, and homeostasis. On another note, I am a living system in human form with the capacity of self reflection knowing that I encompass both matter and antimatter aspects to DNA and blood type formation. As a O- blood constitution I can only receive negative blood type to maintain cellular function. Lastly- I know I am a living system because this brain has the capacity for insight.

-Biophysics and TCM- I find it interesting that the existence of radiant tracks that correspond with channels, it has wave length/band, and its bio-photons are emitted from acupuncture points- each having a wave length - the collagen fibers consist of tropocollagen molecules in a helical structure- which acts as a conduit for electro-dynamic activity. They may be emitting spontaneous emission of entangled photons. And one must wonder how the mind engaged into this healing art?

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Synthesis- July 17

- My E-Prime Day-
The weather appeared to me to be hot or not. In memory, I think it appeared hot to me. It seemed fine to wear a color that appeared to be white to me to deflect the heat waves, as the heat waves appeared to me to behave and feel constrained or not. My husband appeared to agree that it appeared hot to him as well, and he selected to drink a watermelon drink that tasted to him to be sweet and had mint. The mint seemed to me to be a reasonable idea as I recalled being taught in Chinese herbs that it has what appears a cooling state in the body or not. I think this is how my day was recalled or not.

-Synthesizing physics- as above so below?
Very much agree with this- we were taught by our elders that we originated from the stars and were linked to life on earth and every micro/macrocosm is connected. Creator made the heavens and the Earth, the Star people came and taught us certain technologies, math, engineering, to understand self which is an illusion to begin with we are one cell, to understand this one has to look above and know that its you looking at yourself back. Smile and sing knowing that your dendritic patterns of your veins and nerve cells mirror the rivers and trees-  and are rooted to the cosmos where we return home.

July 10 th -Sacred Geometry and Fibonacci

- Are there any connections you can make between sacred geometry and physics-
The study of spiritual and sacred meaning in symbols, shapes and proportions in my humble opinion has a relationship with physics. For example the metatron's cube and the flower of life is composed of 13 spheres and contains 5 platonic solids crucial to geometry like the Tetrahedron. How about the geometric object called amplituhedron ( help explain black holes) point to paradoxes involving space and time. Space and time are not seen as aspects of reality but from properties that derive from geometry.

-Can Fibonacci series be seen as  signature of life?
It is a mathematical sequence that yields profound results, if you divide any number in the sequence by its predecessor you have the golden ration number of 1.68. Something to think about-

Week 8 Classical physics

Newtons three laws:
The three laws of motion explain how objects behave at rest and in motion- personally inertia speaks to me in the sense that for an object to change it needs a force which must act upon it. Like having a cathartic experience creates a shift in consciousness and if its not in motion there is a strong gravitational force pulling it downward. so every body movement in this physical plane works with this law.

Our energy efficient culture-creating a culture of energy efficiency is a challenge in an industrial world. How efficient are we in this culture when the technological electrical gradient keeps involving more power and energy source. Some figures to think about: It takes 47 % of energy to maintain cooling and heating, washer and dryer takes 14 %, lighting takes 12% , refrigerator takes 4 %, top states that use most energy in order- Alaska, North Dakota, Iowa, Texas, Nebraska,Xouth Dakota, Indiana, Oklahoma one of the top gas producing areas, has 5 oil refineries up to 500,000 barrels a day

Descartes has a lot to answer for:
He knew that the mind operates in a non-physical, non-spatial plane, his method of  scientific inquiry- for the the most part using doubt of inquiry- would of made him seek unprejudiced search for the truth- yet had not dealt with the construct of free will and the passions and morals.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

7/2/19 - Experiment The Egg inside a bottle

-I was able to burn a piece of paper inside the bottle ( like cupping), placed hard boil egg on top of the bottle after the fire was out, then in a few minutes the egg was naturally forced inside the bottle/container.

The art of doing nothing posting 7/2/19

Making time for myself:
-meditated, self hypnosis, watched films, wrote poetry. I had to update my ACLS and BLS exam skills and then returned to doing nothing. I started to wonder if analytical thinking and processing can be an act of nothing? I stopped for a moment and returned to being in the present and to create space for meditation. Then after a while I had to check on what was going on with the weather and started to think about the crops and the farmers, checked on the latest earthquakes, then I stopped myself and went back to doing nothing-

My blogging for this assignment was somewhat limited as I am aware that my mind is a very active apparatus and had to gently remind myself to stop, breath, and enjoy each moment at its fullest.