Thursday, June 20, 2019


-"Ordered chaos," sound familiar?
The creation of order out of chaos and the return to randomness-Nature finds its way around limitations to a new order.I can recall the time I resided in the island of Hilo= Hawaii, I can recall the moment the lava tubes went off and observing the lava at the surface and being cooled by the air and solidified creating an elastic skin looking outer layer, at the same time carving underground tunnels.

-These are mother Earth's circulatory system when there is an obstruction, heat-stagnation,she has a natural capacity of self soothing by having a cooling off effect, releasing internal heat and pressure, and the gases and dust being released influences the climate.There are around 1,500 potential active volcanoes worldwide, 500 have historically erupted and are located along the pacific rim -Ring of Fire location.A volcanic winter has reduced the global temperatures obscuring the Sun.

-On a practical day- ordered chaos can also reveal itself through idiosyncratic creative process- I say find your own method in the apparent madness, forget time management, why conform to the norm when you are the best source of knowing and respecting your threshold of a cathartic moment...
-I advocate for creative work when it comes to being productive and son't forget about keeping the spontaneity after all these two fundamental forces will balance each other out...its best to utilize healthy coping skills when we find ourselves in the extremes parameters-- knowing that the eventually there will be balance.

*****Chaos is paradoxical, intrinsically unpredictable, geometric,and sustained by complex feedback loops, and can be deterministic, chaos isa  matrix of creation

Fractals as patterns of complex systems-
Its fascinating to observe the fractals found in nature -they are self-similar structures over an extended but finite scale range-The sixfold symmetry of a snowflake has a beautiful central hexagon and sprouts six more rough hexagons and the corners keep repeating itself, the braided glacial river channels int he southern Alps of New Zealand show large and small scale branching and recombination.Have you notice how the sycamore tree has a central trunk which then forks into tow more branches which themselves for again and again and reflects our own lung system and bronchioles....
- If we bring this theory closer to human interaction, you can find that humans are characterized by specific properties, as we are are part f a larger system that is organized in a fractal manner, we operate within a feedback loop in relation to our environment, communicates with it and what happends inside the brain you will notice the dendritic action of action potential taking place at the neurological level, dendrites expand like trees self replicating this is how we create our narrative stories and there is the creation of perception the lens for which we operate from in relation to what has been established within the neural network systems, these systems can be shifted and altered all the time-

Consciousness out of chaos? 
Consciousness here can be viewed as a field interacting with other fields ( which is medium for connectivity), when it interacts with the space and time field( electromagnetic field), then individual consciousness emerges. Humans reflect the qualities of chaotic systems, sensitive to the genetics and conception, respond ti stimuli,brain chemistry and neural patterns can be changed by trauma, seeds of change can grow later for transformation, we are subjected to initial blueprints , we adapt to changing circumstances, the creative process provides us to have open minds to stay flexible and not rigid and stagnant,we relate to the field of the Universe,.

-On a sensitive note- I have worked with very vulnerable individuals in the psychiatric field and have observed how mental health is stigmatized and how addiction is penalized. Individuals that suffer from what is labelled as depression or any form of mental disorder is actually attempting to self calibrate and preserve its existence. In fact, those individuals that have endured hardships with Bipolar, Schizophrenia and anxiety to name a few are the most sensitive and respectful human beings I have met in my life. I remain humbled. For those individuals that suffer from addiction almost all have  endured a form of physical/mental/sexual form of trauma or neglect and addiction serves as a form of self medicating...numbing the pain. When the appropriate resources are in place and healing modalities are provided these individuals have their own internal source field for self healing and many have re-balanced their journey by going through the chaotic process, ever changing and integrating their new aspects of themselves.

1 comment:

  1. I like the yin/yang of a organized chaos and random chaos. As Yin is within Yang, within yin, within is chaos within itself. For example, within the random chaos - also we can not always predict how nature will be, if we looked at the natural warnings, the animals around us, the change in the way the energy of the world feels - the random is actually easy to read and follow hence creating a organized chaos within a random chaos. On the other hand, on the organized chaos that exists when we create - it is in a sense a skill that we honed in on and worked on. It is within structure of practice and repetition that we were able to flow freely with our creativity (to an extent). But within that organization of ideas is the freedom to move beyond them. It is the returning of child free flow of ideas in order to make something possibly unpredictable.

    I guess even when we try to break down chaos, there is always a million ways to look at it.
