Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Symmetry/Super Symmetry WEEK 5

-The (A)symmetrical world-Beyond Beauty- 

I honor having some traits that do not perfectly mirror one another. When I was a teenager I was told, " your face is round you head is shifted." I used to say and "who are you to judge, who made you so critical to see flaws when in fact are gifts, love yourself so you will see beauty in yourself and in the world."  As we gracefully age, you will notice increased facial asymmetry, you will notice your ears and nose  grow as you age- or not-......an injury or trauma can cause asymmetry,  my sister suffered from two episodes of facial palsy which left her face very asymmetrical was placed on cymbalta for pain management she learned to embrace her new face stating, " it would be boring if you saw things the same over and over, I guess it was time for a change."

- Although symmetry may provide nature's parameters, gives definition to the world as we understand it, -is vital to understanding and predicting how the universe works. However, having too much focus on this construct I feel, should not become the norm. as it poses or wants to warrant that asymmetry  to be correlated with chaos....or abnormal-

- Asymmetrical world: is unique,adds mystery, is natural and the Universe makes no mistakes.

-CP -violation really mean?

In particle physics CP violation  of CP symmetry. CP symmetry states laws of physics should be the same if its particle interchange with antiparticle when spatial coordinates are inverted. The CP violation of having two version of neutral kaons with different decay lifetimes explains the role in the dominance of matter over antimatter in particle physics. In other words, if there is CP violated, there is implication that the laws of nature do not treat matter and antimatter alike- which remain a mystery and for which CERN is attempting to Identify what forces play a role in this violation.


  1. I really like reading all your blog entries because it feels like you really understand this material, so I get to learn from your knowing.

  2. I agree with Jodi, I appreciate how you understand and how well you can articulate your interpretations. Asymmetrical world is unique! I am inspired by your statement the universe makes no mistakes.
