Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Week 6 - Are vibrations all good? Resonance in my world...Connections between Energy and Qi

Are all vibrations good?
 I believe that superficial man made infrasonic sounds can have extra-aural bio-effects on the body which made induce symptoms of nausea, headaches, and dizziness. Another example is loud sound can create air embolism in the lungs from increased air pressure. Vibration in the physical realm is a mechanical stimulus characterized by oscillatory motion. The repetition rate of the cycles of oscillation determines the frequency of the vibration.

However, it is so beautiful how other Earth has her own vibration but has changed due to artificial man made alterations: her former frequency at 7.83 Hz and it has accelerated to 15-25 Hz. Everything in our brain waves and biorhythm to our state of consciousness is correlated to the Earth's frequency.

Resonance in my world..-
Resonance occurs when a system preferentially vibrates at a certain frequency and the system will respond very strongly to any periodic force at that frequency. In my world- resonance occurs at the non-acoustic level-for example at the electrical gradient. when my soul frequency is at its best ( loving everything and everybody) I do not overload electrical systems. However when my resonance shifts to a lower vibration/frequency especially when filing for my IRS yearly taxes and having to pay a large net amount I remember all the electronics going off in the building and the IRS staff members attempting to locate flash lights not knowing what happened to their computers. I can also recall other times all my hand watches not working,  street lights go off and on, light bulbs pop and break, electric car stopping in the middle of Benicia bridge ,my I phone turning off and having to get it uploaded by IT staff, when I was short of some funds and went to the ATM machine it opened up and I was shocked and called for assistance, I started to feel like the gal from the 1970s film-Carrie- but after watching X-Men that made me think perhaps I have a odd relationship with the electric grid.

-Needless to say I have learned to stay with a high vibration/loving frequency ......and spare the electrical systems

Connection between Energy and Qi- " Everything is Qi , Everything is Energy"
Qi- the Universal life force , contains wisdom and power, energy has consciousness , everything in the world has a purpose, all living things are connected. A human being is Universal emnergy harmonized with earth energy and transformed to life.

1 comment:

  1. Your comment on the earth's resonance is fascinating to me and I had yet to learn of that so I looked it up. The earth's resonance is changing and speeding up, but what does that mean? One thought is that it is about general awakening to the truths of our past. How fascinating with all the socio political information that is being exposed. Thank you for sharing the insight
