Thursday, June 20, 2019
WEEK 7 additional assignment- conduct a cool experiment and report findings and blogging the art of not doing anything
I had a difficult time loading the links for the assignment- however, I managed to create my own
pendulum , while attempting the art of doing nothing, I made a pendulum from a stone. I became to over involved in the process and started to utilize the pendulum to connect with my internal field. Surprisingly it rotated to the right when it was correct. It became entertaining. Then I moved to another task creating slim. I used a box or borox, water, glue and artificial water colors. left it alone for 30 minutes then manipulated it and threw it up in my bathroom ceiling forgetting that its gravity differed from toilet paper mixed with water. I ended it using it as a stress ball
The art of just being:
-The art of doing nothing- physically able to sit and meditate and conducted my own hypnotherapy session. Watched two films- Original Star Wars and made tabouli for dinner. And held my stress slim ball. This was my first blog about the art of doing nothing........
-"Ordered chaos," sound familiar?
The creation of order out of chaos and the return to randomness-Nature finds its way around limitations to a new order.I can recall the time I resided in the island of Hilo= Hawaii, I can recall the moment the lava tubes went off and observing the lava at the surface and being cooled by the air and solidified creating an elastic skin looking outer layer, at the same time carving underground tunnels.
-These are mother Earth's circulatory system when there is an obstruction, heat-stagnation,she has a natural capacity of self soothing by having a cooling off effect, releasing internal heat and pressure, and the gases and dust being released influences the climate.There are around 1,500 potential active volcanoes worldwide, 500 have historically erupted and are located along the pacific rim -Ring of Fire location.A volcanic winter has reduced the global temperatures obscuring the Sun.
-On a practical day- ordered chaos can also reveal itself through idiosyncratic creative process- I say find your own method in the apparent madness, forget time management, why conform to the norm when you are the best source of knowing and respecting your threshold of a cathartic moment...
-I advocate for creative work when it comes to being productive and son't forget about keeping the spontaneity after all these two fundamental forces will balance each other out...its best to utilize healthy coping skills when we find ourselves in the extremes parameters-- knowing that the eventually there will be balance.
*****Chaos is paradoxical, intrinsically unpredictable, geometric,and sustained by complex feedback loops, and can be deterministic, chaos isa matrix of creation
Fractals as patterns of complex systems-
Its fascinating to observe the fractals found in nature -they are self-similar structures over an extended but finite scale range-The sixfold symmetry of a snowflake has a beautiful central hexagon and sprouts six more rough hexagons and the corners keep repeating itself, the braided glacial river channels int he southern Alps of New Zealand show large and small scale branching and recombination.Have you notice how the sycamore tree has a central trunk which then forks into tow more branches which themselves for again and again and reflects our own lung system and bronchioles....
- If we bring this theory closer to human interaction, you can find that humans are characterized by specific properties, as we are are part f a larger system that is organized in a fractal manner, we operate within a feedback loop in relation to our environment, communicates with it and what happends inside the brain you will notice the dendritic action of action potential taking place at the neurological level, dendrites expand like trees self replicating this is how we create our narrative stories and there is the creation of perception the lens for which we operate from in relation to what has been established within the neural network systems, these systems can be shifted and altered all the time-
Consciousness out of chaos?
Consciousness here can be viewed as a field interacting with other fields ( which is medium for connectivity), when it interacts with the space and time field( electromagnetic field), then individual consciousness emerges. Humans reflect the qualities of chaotic systems, sensitive to the genetics and conception, respond ti stimuli,brain chemistry and neural patterns can be changed by trauma, seeds of change can grow later for transformation, we are subjected to initial blueprints , we adapt to changing circumstances, the creative process provides us to have open minds to stay flexible and not rigid and stagnant,we relate to the field of the Universe,.
-On a sensitive note- I have worked with very vulnerable individuals in the psychiatric field and have observed how mental health is stigmatized and how addiction is penalized. Individuals that suffer from what is labelled as depression or any form of mental disorder is actually attempting to self calibrate and preserve its existence. In fact, those individuals that have endured hardships with Bipolar, Schizophrenia and anxiety to name a few are the most sensitive and respectful human beings I have met in my life. I remain humbled. For those individuals that suffer from addiction almost all have endured a form of physical/mental/sexual form of trauma or neglect and addiction serves as a form of self medicating...numbing the pain. When the appropriate resources are in place and healing modalities are provided these individuals have their own internal source field for self healing and many have re-balanced their journey by going through the chaotic process, ever changing and integrating their new aspects of themselves.
The creation of order out of chaos and the return to randomness-Nature finds its way around limitations to a new order.I can recall the time I resided in the island of Hilo= Hawaii, I can recall the moment the lava tubes went off and observing the lava at the surface and being cooled by the air and solidified creating an elastic skin looking outer layer, at the same time carving underground tunnels.
-These are mother Earth's circulatory system when there is an obstruction, heat-stagnation,she has a natural capacity of self soothing by having a cooling off effect, releasing internal heat and pressure, and the gases and dust being released influences the climate.There are around 1,500 potential active volcanoes worldwide, 500 have historically erupted and are located along the pacific rim -Ring of Fire location.A volcanic winter has reduced the global temperatures obscuring the Sun.
-On a practical day- ordered chaos can also reveal itself through idiosyncratic creative process- I say find your own method in the apparent madness, forget time management, why conform to the norm when you are the best source of knowing and respecting your threshold of a cathartic moment...
-I advocate for creative work when it comes to being productive and son't forget about keeping the spontaneity after all these two fundamental forces will balance each other out...its best to utilize healthy coping skills when we find ourselves in the extremes parameters-- knowing that the eventually there will be balance.
*****Chaos is paradoxical, intrinsically unpredictable, geometric,and sustained by complex feedback loops, and can be deterministic, chaos isa matrix of creation
Fractals as patterns of complex systems-
Its fascinating to observe the fractals found in nature -they are self-similar structures over an extended but finite scale range-The sixfold symmetry of a snowflake has a beautiful central hexagon and sprouts six more rough hexagons and the corners keep repeating itself, the braided glacial river channels int he southern Alps of New Zealand show large and small scale branching and recombination.Have you notice how the sycamore tree has a central trunk which then forks into tow more branches which themselves for again and again and reflects our own lung system and bronchioles....
- If we bring this theory closer to human interaction, you can find that humans are characterized by specific properties, as we are are part f a larger system that is organized in a fractal manner, we operate within a feedback loop in relation to our environment, communicates with it and what happends inside the brain you will notice the dendritic action of action potential taking place at the neurological level, dendrites expand like trees self replicating this is how we create our narrative stories and there is the creation of perception the lens for which we operate from in relation to what has been established within the neural network systems, these systems can be shifted and altered all the time-
Consciousness out of chaos?
Consciousness here can be viewed as a field interacting with other fields ( which is medium for connectivity), when it interacts with the space and time field( electromagnetic field), then individual consciousness emerges. Humans reflect the qualities of chaotic systems, sensitive to the genetics and conception, respond ti stimuli,brain chemistry and neural patterns can be changed by trauma, seeds of change can grow later for transformation, we are subjected to initial blueprints , we adapt to changing circumstances, the creative process provides us to have open minds to stay flexible and not rigid and stagnant,we relate to the field of the Universe,.
-On a sensitive note- I have worked with very vulnerable individuals in the psychiatric field and have observed how mental health is stigmatized and how addiction is penalized. Individuals that suffer from what is labelled as depression or any form of mental disorder is actually attempting to self calibrate and preserve its existence. In fact, those individuals that have endured hardships with Bipolar, Schizophrenia and anxiety to name a few are the most sensitive and respectful human beings I have met in my life. I remain humbled. For those individuals that suffer from addiction almost all have endured a form of physical/mental/sexual form of trauma or neglect and addiction serves as a form of self medicating...numbing the pain. When the appropriate resources are in place and healing modalities are provided these individuals have their own internal source field for self healing and many have re-balanced their journey by going through the chaotic process, ever changing and integrating their new aspects of themselves.
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Week 6 - Are vibrations all good? Resonance in my world...Connections between Energy and Qi
Are all vibrations good?
I believe that superficial man made infrasonic sounds can have extra-aural bio-effects on the body which made induce symptoms of nausea, headaches, and dizziness. Another example is loud sound can create air embolism in the lungs from increased air pressure. Vibration in the physical realm is a mechanical stimulus characterized by oscillatory motion. The repetition rate of the cycles of oscillation determines the frequency of the vibration.
However, it is so beautiful how other Earth has her own vibration but has changed due to artificial man made alterations: her former frequency at 7.83 Hz and it has accelerated to 15-25 Hz. Everything in our brain waves and biorhythm to our state of consciousness is correlated to the Earth's frequency.
Resonance in my world..-
Resonance occurs when a system preferentially vibrates at a certain frequency and the system will respond very strongly to any periodic force at that frequency. In my world- resonance occurs at the non-acoustic level-for example at the electrical gradient. when my soul frequency is at its best ( loving everything and everybody) I do not overload electrical systems. However when my resonance shifts to a lower vibration/frequency especially when filing for my IRS yearly taxes and having to pay a large net amount I remember all the electronics going off in the building and the IRS staff members attempting to locate flash lights not knowing what happened to their computers. I can also recall other times all my hand watches not working, street lights go off and on, light bulbs pop and break, electric car stopping in the middle of Benicia bridge ,my I phone turning off and having to get it uploaded by IT staff, when I was short of some funds and went to the ATM machine it opened up and I was shocked and called for assistance, I started to feel like the gal from the 1970s film-Carrie- but after watching X-Men that made me think perhaps I have a odd relationship with the electric grid.
-Needless to say I have learned to stay with a high vibration/loving frequency ......and spare the electrical systems
Connection between Energy and Qi- " Everything is Qi , Everything is Energy"
Qi- the Universal life force , contains wisdom and power, energy has consciousness , everything in the world has a purpose, all living things are connected. A human being is Universal emnergy harmonized with earth energy and transformed to life.
I believe that superficial man made infrasonic sounds can have extra-aural bio-effects on the body which made induce symptoms of nausea, headaches, and dizziness. Another example is loud sound can create air embolism in the lungs from increased air pressure. Vibration in the physical realm is a mechanical stimulus characterized by oscillatory motion. The repetition rate of the cycles of oscillation determines the frequency of the vibration.
However, it is so beautiful how other Earth has her own vibration but has changed due to artificial man made alterations: her former frequency at 7.83 Hz and it has accelerated to 15-25 Hz. Everything in our brain waves and biorhythm to our state of consciousness is correlated to the Earth's frequency.
Resonance in my world..-
Resonance occurs when a system preferentially vibrates at a certain frequency and the system will respond very strongly to any periodic force at that frequency. In my world- resonance occurs at the non-acoustic level-for example at the electrical gradient. when my soul frequency is at its best ( loving everything and everybody) I do not overload electrical systems. However when my resonance shifts to a lower vibration/frequency especially when filing for my IRS yearly taxes and having to pay a large net amount I remember all the electronics going off in the building and the IRS staff members attempting to locate flash lights not knowing what happened to their computers. I can also recall other times all my hand watches not working, street lights go off and on, light bulbs pop and break, electric car stopping in the middle of Benicia bridge ,my I phone turning off and having to get it uploaded by IT staff, when I was short of some funds and went to the ATM machine it opened up and I was shocked and called for assistance, I started to feel like the gal from the 1970s film-Carrie- but after watching X-Men that made me think perhaps I have a odd relationship with the electric grid.
-Needless to say I have learned to stay with a high vibration/loving frequency ......and spare the electrical systems
Connection between Energy and Qi- " Everything is Qi , Everything is Energy"
Qi- the Universal life force , contains wisdom and power, energy has consciousness , everything in the world has a purpose, all living things are connected. A human being is Universal emnergy harmonized with earth energy and transformed to life.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Symmetry/Super Symmetry WEEK 5
-The (A)symmetrical world-Beyond Beauty-
I honor having some traits that do not perfectly mirror one another. When I was a teenager I was told, " your face is round you head is shifted." I used to say and "who are you to judge, who made you so critical to see flaws when in fact are gifts, love yourself so you will see beauty in yourself and in the world." As we gracefully age, you will notice increased facial asymmetry, you will notice your ears and nose grow as you age- or injury or trauma can cause asymmetry, my sister suffered from two episodes of facial palsy which left her face very asymmetrical was placed on cymbalta for pain management she learned to embrace her new face stating, " it would be boring if you saw things the same over and over, I guess it was time for a change."
- Although symmetry may provide nature's parameters, gives definition to the world as we understand it, -is vital to understanding and predicting how the universe works. However, having too much focus on this construct I feel, should not become the norm. as it poses or wants to warrant that asymmetry to be correlated with chaos....or abnormal-
- Asymmetrical world: is unique,adds mystery, is natural and the Universe makes no mistakes.
-CP -violation really mean?
In particle physics CP violation of CP symmetry. CP symmetry states laws of physics should be the same if its particle interchange with antiparticle when spatial coordinates are inverted. The CP violation of having two version of neutral kaons with different decay lifetimes explains the role in the dominance of matter over antimatter in particle physics. In other words, if there is CP violated, there is implication that the laws of nature do not treat matter and antimatter alike- which remain a mystery and for which CERN is attempting to Identify what forces play a role in this violation.
I honor having some traits that do not perfectly mirror one another. When I was a teenager I was told, " your face is round you head is shifted." I used to say and "who are you to judge, who made you so critical to see flaws when in fact are gifts, love yourself so you will see beauty in yourself and in the world." As we gracefully age, you will notice increased facial asymmetry, you will notice your ears and nose grow as you age- or injury or trauma can cause asymmetry, my sister suffered from two episodes of facial palsy which left her face very asymmetrical was placed on cymbalta for pain management she learned to embrace her new face stating, " it would be boring if you saw things the same over and over, I guess it was time for a change."
- Although symmetry may provide nature's parameters, gives definition to the world as we understand it, -is vital to understanding and predicting how the universe works. However, having too much focus on this construct I feel, should not become the norm. as it poses or wants to warrant that asymmetry to be correlated with chaos....or abnormal-
- Asymmetrical world: is unique,adds mystery, is natural and the Universe makes no mistakes.
-CP -violation really mean?
In particle physics CP violation of CP symmetry. CP symmetry states laws of physics should be the same if its particle interchange with antiparticle when spatial coordinates are inverted. The CP violation of having two version of neutral kaons with different decay lifetimes explains the role in the dominance of matter over antimatter in particle physics. In other words, if there is CP violated, there is implication that the laws of nature do not treat matter and antimatter alike- which remain a mystery and for which CERN is attempting to Identify what forces play a role in this violation.
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
-How has e=emc2 -affected you ?
The correlation of energy to matter- states that you can create matter directly from energy, mass is just one form of energy. Meaning, when I utilize and release energy-- there is a loss of mass in relation to the energy amount being released. Every biological and inorganic processes involve this equation. There is a saying, " do not burn the candle at both ends." In Chinese Medicine we learn that the kidney essence has a certain amount of energy and that kidney yin provides material for the activities of the human body while the kidney yang promotes the functions of the organs. The congenital essence determines the constitution and characteristics a person will exhibit. This aspect of jing cannot be replaced. However, the acquired jing need to be replaced on a daily basis for optimal health- this is how the Eistein's theory explains the essential treatment in treating daily kidney related issues-
-How you would compare the four forces?
* Strong Nuclear force- is a force that acts between two or more nucleons( protons and neutrons) inside the nucleus of an atom, it dies off with distance, much faster than gravity r electromagnetic force, it stores a large amount of energy, is the strongest in nature: an example is looking inside the inner layers of a tornado and whirlwind effect, or a ballerina dancer using precise position to increase internal movement effect
*Weak nuclear force- acts between leptons and is involved in the decay of hadrons, responsible for nuclear beta decay, plays a role in things falling apart, decay, it is stronger than gravity, effective in short distance, examples: plays a role in powering stars, creating elements, radiation, and nuclear fusion
*Electromagnetic- acts between particles and is the combination of all electrical and magnetic forces, can be attractive or repulsive. Electro- acts between charged particles whether in movement or not; Magnetic- acts between moving particles, charged particles gives off an electric field- examples: tension, friction, electrical current flow, magnets on a refrigerator, rubbing your foot on the carpet and then touching a blown balloon makes your hair rise, you rub your feet and then touch your computer and get a strong charge, when you get upset you can also influence the electromagnetic force of light bulb-
* Gravity-using general relativity- Einstein proposed that matter curves space and time and that gravity is the curve that causes objects to deviate from traveling a straight line and thus follows a spherical path
-Gravity is the force that attracts two bodies towards each other toward the center, the more massive the object the greater the gravitational pull- examples, black holes pack mass into smaller volumes keeping anything from escaping, your weight is higher over the north pole vs measuring your weight in at the equator due to the acceleration of gravity at the poles.
-the function of gravity?
At a fundamental level- the sun's gravitational pull keeps Earth orbiting around the sun, the moon's gravity pulls on the Earth and makes the tides rise and fall, maintains homeostatic function in the body-
The correlation of energy to matter- states that you can create matter directly from energy, mass is just one form of energy. Meaning, when I utilize and release energy-- there is a loss of mass in relation to the energy amount being released. Every biological and inorganic processes involve this equation. There is a saying, " do not burn the candle at both ends." In Chinese Medicine we learn that the kidney essence has a certain amount of energy and that kidney yin provides material for the activities of the human body while the kidney yang promotes the functions of the organs. The congenital essence determines the constitution and characteristics a person will exhibit. This aspect of jing cannot be replaced. However, the acquired jing need to be replaced on a daily basis for optimal health- this is how the Eistein's theory explains the essential treatment in treating daily kidney related issues-
-How you would compare the four forces?
* Strong Nuclear force- is a force that acts between two or more nucleons( protons and neutrons) inside the nucleus of an atom, it dies off with distance, much faster than gravity r electromagnetic force, it stores a large amount of energy, is the strongest in nature: an example is looking inside the inner layers of a tornado and whirlwind effect, or a ballerina dancer using precise position to increase internal movement effect
*Weak nuclear force- acts between leptons and is involved in the decay of hadrons, responsible for nuclear beta decay, plays a role in things falling apart, decay, it is stronger than gravity, effective in short distance, examples: plays a role in powering stars, creating elements, radiation, and nuclear fusion
*Electromagnetic- acts between particles and is the combination of all electrical and magnetic forces, can be attractive or repulsive. Electro- acts between charged particles whether in movement or not; Magnetic- acts between moving particles, charged particles gives off an electric field- examples: tension, friction, electrical current flow, magnets on a refrigerator, rubbing your foot on the carpet and then touching a blown balloon makes your hair rise, you rub your feet and then touch your computer and get a strong charge, when you get upset you can also influence the electromagnetic force of light bulb-
* Gravity-using general relativity- Einstein proposed that matter curves space and time and that gravity is the curve that causes objects to deviate from traveling a straight line and thus follows a spherical path
-Gravity is the force that attracts two bodies towards each other toward the center, the more massive the object the greater the gravitational pull- examples, black holes pack mass into smaller volumes keeping anything from escaping, your weight is higher over the north pole vs measuring your weight in at the equator due to the acceleration of gravity at the poles.
-the function of gravity?
At a fundamental level- the sun's gravitational pull keeps Earth orbiting around the sun, the moon's gravity pulls on the Earth and makes the tides rise and fall, maintains homeostatic function in the body-
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