What evidence can you find for synchronicity?
-As a psychoanalyst, we are taught that Carl Jung - stated, " Synchronicities occur more often when a person is psychically in an absissement du niveau mental- a lower level of conscious awareness akin to reverie. As a result the unconscious is more energized than consciousness and complexes and archetypes are aroused into a more activated state and can push over the threshold into consciousness" Adapted from Murray, Stein Jung's Map of the soul ( 1998)
I found that Jung has a holistic character that focused on the collective archetypes and supported his orientation. Synchronistic events- lead an an understanding between mind and body.
- As a Native American person of origin we are taught by the elders and healers that the "Web of life is interconnected and one will influence the other, many outcomes, to be assured that Mother Earth was taking care of her children." From a young age, I grew in the Yurok reservation and Mount Shasta is our temple and we would perform ceremonies to honor the elements and Creator, for the multiple gifts and for answering prayers. My synchronicity experiences are through the lens of our spiritual training and teachings.
Synchronicity events:
-when I am in in my own element- and nature captures my spirit- I feel free- when we want to acquire knowledge from the elements- I can recall my elders when I was five years old - guiding me to the woods- they said, " You will come back with medicine." and " CROW, Blue Jay and Fox will lead you back home.".sure enough- they came as I walked through the red woods- and they were loving- I was humbled.- When you have a blue Jay and Humming birds right in front of you and ravens- you smile back and thank them.
-Last week I was gardening in my back yard and again two humming birds and a Blue Jay flew around me and I stopped and thanked them.
-Growing up in this society made me realize how sensitive I was to sound and chaos when relocating to the city.My mind was overstimulated and was able to adapt for the most part. However, I started to experience pre-cognition-/ synchroncity events- that were fast paced when I attended UC Berkeley.I saw in advance - many young students abusing drugs - they were dehydrated- ending in the ER, using too much x ( ecstasy) or LSD,- Through networking-these students ended up my apartment and I was taking care of them. I would cook for them as if they were my my sisters and brothers- one day I asked one of them " and who are you?" he stated, " Jim-someone that did not go hungry and I have a test tomorrow." although I was a Pre-med major I felt that I was being guided to study nursing- and ended up receiving a nurse practitioner license, and I also felt that through the experience of helping these students that many suffered from anxiety- and mild psychotic breaks, so then I also became a clinical psychologist.
- One day driving to LA I ran out of gas and I had forgotten my wallet- a lady out of nowhere came over and said, " just take the dollar bills I will show you how to get back home and the freeway entrance"- I was grateful I offered to pay her bill when I arrived to Berkeley, she nodded " no," its a gift.
-On another occasion when I had limited income- I prayed for food, and there was a pizza on the table. I asked Creator if that was a joke or something- but I had no roomates. The pizza was hot. I eat it all. I did not question the gift.
- When I resided in Hilo- Hawaii one morning I had a dream I was under the lava in the deepest caves and I noticed the rocks rumbling- when I woke up at 6 am- I informed my husband " we need to get up and get ready, my husband said for what? and then there was a Earthquake.
-I had a dream that my golden retriever had cancer, when I woke up I went to check on her and noticed she had purple spots on her tongue - I immediately rushed her to the Vet and she was diagnosed with lung cancer.
-As the years passed -many synchronicity events have transpired, and continue in frequency.-I am grateful.
CONNECTIVITY_ From a Native American perspective- Indigenous connectivity- has taught our ancestors that " all our relations, all plants, and animals, from the smallest to the strongest are our ancestors." In other words, all humans are family and we are interconnected through the Web of mother earth. The advanced teachings of the Nature Philosophy were usually taught by the Medicine people to their sons and daughters- the teachings of the Natural way included the arts of healing an and special mental training including what is referred to today as psychic perceptions. Healers and Shamans were skilled in connecting with the nature forces including those that were not in the physical realm. We are taught to maintain a sense of humility because Mother Earth is an active observer and would take care of all beings that respect her.
" Every seed is awakened and so is all animal life, it is through this mysterious power that we too have our being and we therefore yield to our animal neighbors the same right as ourselves, to inhabit this land." Sitting Bull--
How do you explain connectivity?
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