Monday, May 13, 2019


The Meaning Of Time- 

-The Newtonian concept of time as a continuous parameter is so deeply ingrained that one does not question how time can be measured- using the clock system for example- in a Western Monochronic Time- M - that influences a paradigm system. Consequently, the time measured in a clock in my opinion is just a parameter  identical to the parametric time appearing in the time-dependent Schrodinger equation.-which used to find energy levels such as atoms or transistors at a certain position. 
-One of the implications of quantum mechanics is that certain aspects/properties of the universe are quantized- made of little particles of quanta. In other words the electrons orbiting an atom are found in specific fixed orbits and do not slide nearer or further from the nucleus as their energy levels change but are able to jump from one quantum state to another.Even light for example is a type of electromagnetic radiation which moves in waves composed of quanta/photons and carries both waves and particles and can behave as a wave or a particle. According to recent findings in quantum mechanics time cannot be divided up into discrete quanta and appears to operate in a smooth and continuous. There has been speculation that if time was quantized it would be at the level of Plank time. However, I find it helpful to think about each observer of himself being a quantum system which interacts with other quantum systems with different possible versions- which are proposed as being a parallel universe-  and that the wave functions does not collapse but rather splits into alternative versions of reality which are equally real.

 -My final thoughts focus on the geospatial ontologies where place and time are deeply linked to different cultures operating from a Polychronic _ P time- specifically the indigenous context are typically described as emphasizing relationships between concepts, processes and actions,cycles of activities, and involving abstract concepts of spirituality, sacredness, wisdom, morality and well being. 
-Concepts of space and time are specific to context and that corresponding to the local view of the world.

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